


Alphablocks Text

Ascrabbological Sign


Linguablocks Text

This page provides a tool for finding words that can be used with tricks such as The Jerx's Mind Reading Dice. It's very similar to the Alphablocks tool, but while that one returns arbitrary sets of letters to use as the guesses in each round, this one returns English words. Thanks (again) to Andy from The Jerx for the idea for this variant of the tool.

For a similar variant that takes the words to divine from a block of text rather using an explicit list, try the Linguablocks text tool.

I have endeavoured to exclude words that have variant spellings from the results (in order to avoid the issues that would arise if the spectator spelt the word differently) and also NSFW words, abbreviations, etc. If you come across something that I've missed that you think shouldn't be there, please let me know.

To find a solution, choose your parameters and provide the set of words you wish to distinguish below:

There's a reasonable chance that this tool doesn't do quite what you want. If you find yourself saying, "Yes, but I want a solution where..." then please get in touch and I'll see what I can do to extend the tool or otherwise find a solution that meets your needs.